If you prefer to use gmail for work emails then here is a guide to connect your business emails to gmail in 7 easy steps.
Some freelancers and small businesses prefer to use gmail for emails because it does offer a lot of management options and is easy to use.
Step 1: Get work host server information ready
Preparation is key, so before you begin make sure you have the following information you will need for your host server:
- User name i.e. work email address.
- Email password, you will get this from your host provider.
- Name of the host server i.e. mail.website.co.uk
- Port incoming number i.e. 995
- SMTP host server address i.e. mail.website.co.uk
- Port outgoing number i.e. 465
Get this information ready prior to configuration.
Step 2: Add details to Gmail
In Gmail click on the settings cog:
1. Next select Forwarding and POP/IMAP then select enable POP for all email (POP downloads emails from the server to Gmail whereas IMAP keeps emails on the server).
2. Keep settings as keep Gmails copy in inbox. Save changes to continue
Step 3: Go to Accounts Import
Check email from other accounts: Add email account
Step 4: Incoming email settings
Add the settings for incoming mail details here from step 1.
Step 5: SMTP settings
Add the settings for outgoing (SMTP) mail here.
Step 6: Verification
Google have introduced an additional verification step to check you have access to the server you are connecting to.
Google will send an email to the work email address for you to either click on or enter the code.
Step 7: Set as default
You can now make your work email your default email address but going back into Accounts and Import, go to send mail as and clicking of make default link.
If you do not make your work email your default all your emails will be sent using your personal gmail address.
Some people find it easier to have their work and personal emails in the same place, so in this sense using gmail is a good idea.
Using Google offers lots of additional benefits such as Google Drive, Google Maps, Google hangouts so find out more about Google Workspace.